A Place in the Sun’s Jasmine Harman lost for words as couple land ‘deal of the century’

Barry and Kay still refused to meet the owner’s demands, however, and instead put forward £105,000 as their “last, last” offer. Luckily for the two, the owner eventually accepted the offer and the pair’s U-turn paid off as they landed their dream holiday home. Still stunned by the events, Jasmine commented: “You get it for […]

Antiques Roadshow expert unveils staggering value of ‘incredibly rare’ 18th century dress

Over the years, several rare items have been brought along to the Roadshow, some have been given incredible valuations while others have fallen short if they have been restored. During series 39 of Antiques Roadshow which visited Tewkesbury Abbey, expert Hilary Kay took a closer look at an incredibly rare 18th-century dress. But how much […]

The Chase’s Mark Labbett ‘stumbles’ after contestant’s ‘performance of the century’

The Chase viewers were blown away by Frank and took to Twitter to comment.  One said: “Frank has to be the most impressive contestant I’ve ever seen on #TheChase.” “Oh my god, Frank is not to be f****d with, I tell you! #TheChase,” another said.  “The most well-deserved WIN!! I wish they had more money […]

The Worst TV Plot Twists We’ve Suffered Through This Century (So Far)

No TV series is completely safe from an occasional eye-roll or two. Whether attempting to dig out of a narrative hole or struggling to make a character relevant, sometimes even our favorite shows can take an unexpected — and ultimately unwanted — detour for the worse. Yes, we all remember Arthur Fonzarelli and his nail-biting […]

Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ for Israel & Palestine delayed by several months – ambassador

The much-awaited proposal by the Trump administration on ending the decades-long stalemate between Israel and Palestine is still in the works and won’t be released for another several months, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman told Jewish media on Sunday. The plan, touted by the US President as a “deal of the century” was supposed […]

A ’21st century Animal House’: 7 women accuse Dartmouth professors of sexual assault in new lawsuit

Seven women filed a lawsuit against Dartmouth College, on Thursday, alleging they experienced sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination by professors in the school’s Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. “These professors leered at, groped, sexted, intoxicated, and even raped female students,” according to the court documents. The suit seeks $ 70 million in damages and […]

21st Century Fox’s Lachlan Murdoch mulls buying back regional sports networks from Disney

21st Century Fox Twenty-First Century Fox Executive Chairman Lachlan Murdoch said it is still an “open question” whether the company will buy back the regional sports networks it sold to Walt Disney for $ 71 billion. Murdoch, who will become CEO of the remaining company “New Fox,” said the company “will be inquisitive” in looking […]

Century: Eastern Wonders makes cardboard spice trading fun again

Enlarge (credit: Owen Duffy) Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com. In 2017, newly founded tabletop studio Plan B Games released Century: Spice Road. A tight, brain-teasing card game, Spice Road cast players as merchants trading spices on the overland route between Europe […]