Skeletal stem cells could regrow damaged bones

Believe it or not, scientists are still discovering new forms of stem cells — and these latest examples could shake up how doctors treat a multitude of common injuries. A Stanford-led research team has identified the human skeletal stem cell, helping the group create a “family tree” of cells that can regenerate bones and cartilage. […]

Minigame integrated into EVE Online helps scientists understand cells

Enlarge / Yes, those are real human cells inside a fictional galaxy. Citizen science, which asks the public to help out science projects, has produced some spectacular successes. But finding a way to grab and maintain hold of the public’s attention can be a challenge. That has led to a number of projects that turn […]

AI offers a new way to look inside living human cells

Over the course of their careers, biologists develop a huge mental library of cell structures and their corresponding data. Investigating specific areas of a living cell involves a piecemeal approach, identifying how some parts work with others and spending time on cell labelling. But now, the Allen Institute for Cell Science has launched the first […]

Human brain cells can make complex structures in a dish—is this a problem?

Enlarge / Brains are gross. (credit: Adeel Anwar / Flickr) The premiere of the second season of Westworld is a perfect time to ponder what makes us human. This is not new territory; such questions have long been dealt with in works of fiction, and they have appeared in science in the form of studies […]

We’ve found the cells norovirus targets—we just don’t know what they do

Enlarge / It’s never a good day to be a lab mouse. (credit: Getty | Portland Press Herald ) Norovirus inflames the stomach and/or intestines and causes pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is super contagious and kills tens of thousands of people each year. But until now, we did not even know which cells […]