Neural network implemented with light instead of electrons

Enlarge / Each of these layers shapes the light that reaches the one behind it, performing calculations in the process. (credit: Ozcan Lab, UCLA) Neural networks have a reputation for being computationally expensive. But only the training portion of things really stresses most computer hardware, since it involves regular evaluations of performance and constant trips […]

6 areas where artificial neural networks outperform humans

GUEST: Five years ago, researchers made an abrupt and rather large leap in the accuracy of software that can interpret images. The artificial neural networks behind it underpin the recent boom we are now seeing in the AI industry. We are, however, still nowhere near achieving a reality similar to those in The Terminator or The […]

Neural network creates photo-realistic images of fake celebs

While Facebook and Prisma tap AI to transform everyday images and video into flowing artworks, NVIDIA is aiming for all-out realism. The graphics card-maker just released a paper detailing its use of a generative adversarial network (GAN) to create high-definition photos of fake humans. The results, as illustrated in an accompanying video, are impressive and […]

Your next craft beer might be named by a neural network

Researcher Janelle Shane has used AI to come up with names for paint colors, metal bands and guinea pigs in the past. She’s even used it to generate wonderfully weird pickup lines. Now, she’s turned her AI naming capabilities towards beer. While writing about her neural network-generated paint color names, Gizmodo’s Ryan Mandelbaum mentioned the […]

Apple ‘Neural Engine’ chip could power AI on iPhones

Apple’s focused on increasing the speed of every new mobile processor generation, most recently pairing its quad core A10 Fusion chips with its iPhone 7 and 7 Plus models last September. But to keep its devices competitive, Apple is building a secondary mobile processor dedicated to powering AI. Sources told Bloomberg that Apple is developing […]