US military bases & patrol routes compromised by fitness tracker map

Terrorists, militants and other irregular forces who don’t use jogging apps may have a tactical advantage after a worldwide heatmap by fitness tracking app Strava exposed the possible locations of hi-tech force deployments. When the San Francisco-based startup published its map of more than one billion jogging and cycling routes late last year, it promised […]

Strava fitness tracking data reveals details of secret bases

Location data in fitness apps is frequently a good thing, since it helps you remember and optimize your routes. However, it’s also producing an unexpected security risk: it’s revealing details of secret military bases. UCA analyst Nathan Ruser has discovered that Strava’s publicly available activity map includes the fitness routes of soldiers and agents in […]

Drone attack on Russian bases in Syria came from Turkish-backed rebels – MoD

Published time: 10 Jan, 2018 10:51 The recent drone attack on Russian bases in Syria was launched from an area near Idlib, which is controlled by Turkish-backed rebel forces, the Russian military said. Moscow reportedly complained to Ankara about the attack. The assault last Saturday involved 13 primitive unmanned aircraft and was thwarted by the […]

US to spend $214mn on Europe air bases on pretext of 'Russian aggression'

Washington has allocated $ 214 million to build airfields, training sites, ranges and other military installations in an unprecedented military buildup in Eastern and Northern Europe aimed at countering “Russian aggression.” The planned modernization of the air bases, located predominantly in Eastern Europe close to Russian borders, as well as in Iceland and Norway, is […]

Russia approves draft deal for its warplanes to use Egyptian military bases

Published time: 30 Nov, 2017 12:06 Edited time: 30 Nov, 2017 12:10 The Russian government has approved a draft agreement with Egypt which would allow the two countries to use each other’s airspace and airbases. The agreement is yet to be negotiated with Cairo. The draft, which was prepared by the defense ministry and agreed […]

US military releases data on sexual assaults in military bases

Terrance Bell/US Army For the first time, the US military released data on sexual assault reports on military bases. The military estimates that less than a third of service members who experienced a sexual assault reported it. A record total of 6,172 sexual assaults were reported in 2016. WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military on […]

‘Great deal’ of drone activity over DC-area military bases, despite ban

Unauthorized drones have been hovering over two military bases in the Washington, DC area for nearly a month despite a federal ban, says a company hired to track them, adding that the remote-controlled flyers may also pose a threat to civilian operations. “A great deal of drone activity” has been detected over military installations in […]

Qualcomm covers all the bases with a cellular “vehicle-to-everything” chipset

Enlarge (credit: Qualcomm) A few weeks ago, I wondered whether connected cars might end up using LTE modems for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications rather than the 5.9GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) protocol. Although the DSRC bandwidth was allocated in 1999 and the 802.11p spec outlined in 2002, the National Highway […]

Nazi bases, mafia hideouts & prisons: Europe’s weirdest makeshift refugee shelters

Two years after the European refugee crisis began, the continent is still struggling to accommodate asylum-seekers, and many countries have resorted to housing new arrivals in offbeat and unlikely shelters. Germany  Germany, the most sought-after destination for refugees and migrants seeking a better life in Europe, was among many nations forced to think outside the […]

6 bomb threats made against Virginia military bases in single day

Published time: 2 Aug, 2017 23:24 Two military bases in Hampton Roads, Virginia received six bomb threats Wednesday. The threats have all been cleared but the source is under investigation. Normal operations have resumed at Naval Station Norfolk and the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek (JEBLC) following security sweeps at the bases, according to WAVY. […]