Putin’s nuclear threats indicate the president is increasingly aware of how limited his military options are in Ukraine, Russia expert speculates

Russian President Vladimir Putin. GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images Vladimir Putin on Wednesday escalated his war in Ukraine with a direct threat of nuclear warfare. But experts say the threat indicates that Putin is running out of military options. Putin is increasingly "aware of how limited his actual military options are," one expert said. Vladimir […]

Motorway laws you probably aren't aware of that can land you HUGE fines and penalty points

Motorists can be penalised for a number of different offences while on the motorway. The most common of which is for speeding and increasingly now more offences involving drivers using a phone while behind the wheel. However, there are some lesser known offences that motorists can be fined and land penalty points for across the […]

Lung cancer symptoms: Three less common signs you need to be aware of

LUNG cancer symptoms are not always obvious in the early stages, but as the disease develops, a persistent cough, coughing up blood may occur, and feeling very tired may develop. Many of the signs of the disease can also be symptoms of the much less serious conditions, so it’s important to be aware that there […]

Tourist warnings: The changes YOU need to be aware of at your favourite holiday spot

Getty Tourist warning: Is your favourite holiday destination affected by new changes? Holiday destinations popular with British tourists are beginning to struggle under the increasing volume of visitors. Many countries are beginning to see a negative effect on their livability thanks to the sheer volume of additional people. This has, in turn, meant governments are […]

Dashboard warning lights – Are you aware of what these essential signs mean?

Quiz: Can you identify these dashboard warning lights? Wed, August 9, 2017 Quiz: Can you identify these dashboard warning lights? 1 of 23 Modern cars are becoming increasingly more complex with the addition of new technologies and features. All these new features come with a new button or symbol for drivers to get their heads […]

“Being Aware Of Our Blackness”

Francois Duhamel / Annapurna Pictures John Boyega as Melvin Dismukes in Detroit. John Boyega’s superwatt smile is conspicuously absent in his latest movie. There’s very little to smile about in Detroit, the new Kathryn Bigelow film about an infamous but largely forgotten incident during the 1967 Detroit rebellion. Scores of people died over the course […]

'They've been aware for months!' Airlines body blasts Schengen nations over airport CHAOS

Thomas Reynaert, the managing director of Airlines for Europe, highlighted the “huge” staffing issue in EU airports failing to cope with the changes. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, said the situation looked bleak with even more British holidaymakers set to fly into airports across the bloc. He said: “Unfortunately, according to our latest […]