Putin’s nuclear threats indicate the president is increasingly aware of how limited his military options are in Ukraine, Russia expert speculates

Russian President Vladimir Putin. GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images Vladimir Putin on Wednesday escalated his war in Ukraine with a direct threat of nuclear warfare. But experts say the threat indicates that Putin is running out of military options. Putin is increasingly "aware of how limited his actual military options are," one expert said. Vladimir […]

Ivanka Trump plastic surgery: Doctor speculates about fashion brand owner’s changing face

Daughter of the President Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana Trump, Ivanka was a socialite and style icon before she assumed her new role. Ivanka owns a fashion label named after herself, which sells: “an assortment of chic, appropriately sexy and accessibly priced shoes and handbags,” according to the website. With a designated style […]