‘As Quickly As Possible’: Volkswagen Partnership Seen As Key to Ford’s Overseas Hopes

Ford Motor Company is engaged in hurried discussions with Volkswagen, with the German automaker seen as a sure-fire way to reverse falling fortunes in overseas markets. Ford needs help in Europe and Latin America, especially — a situation made clear in Thursday’s quarterly earnings report. Since signing a Memorandum of Understanding with VW in June, the […]

Midwife never delivered a baby …as she couldn’t speak English!

A POLISH woman was trained as a midwife by the NHS but never delivered a single baby – after bosses realised she could barely understand English. Barbara Fall, 35, has now been suspended to protect mothers and babies from a “real risk of harm” in what has been branded a “colossal waste of taxpayers’ money”.

Top preacher Sistani calls for new Iraq govt ‘as soon as possible’ to tackle corruption

Iraq’s top Shiite scholar Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani called on Friday for a government to be formed “as soon as possible.” The new ministers should tackle corruption and poor basic services, the preacher said in a Friday sermon delivered by a representative. Sistani also encouraged the incumbent government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to respond […]

Melania Trump colours White House BLUE – as Donald requests 'secret' Stormy Daniels trial

Melania Trump, 47, is the First Lady of the USA and is the wife of Donald Trump, 71, President of the USA. The Stormy Daniels news – concerning the porn star’s alleged affair with the President – has recently surrounded the pair’s marriage. A Twitter post from Melania’s representative Stephanie Grisham addressed the rumours last week. […]

‘As a child I would cut myself’ Dame Kelly Holmes reveals her battle with depression

The 47-year-old athlete has revealed that at her lowest point she no longer wanted to live and now says she is on a mission to help others use fitness to improve their mental health. Double Olympic gold medallist Dame Kelly is one of the most celebrated sportswomen in history. Speaking about the toughest point in […]

Star Wars 8: Mark Hamill SLAMS ‘A******s’ for ‘ruining The Last Jedi ending for MILLIONS’

After The Force Awakens there were lots of unanswered questions like who are Rey’s parents and what is the true identity of Snoke. With exceptions high that The Last Jedi will answer some of these questions, fans have been extra careful to avoid spoilers. However it looks like trolls have been trying to spoil the […]

I’m A Celebrity 2017: Fuming Dec wades in on Ant and Joe Swash feud ‘Bunch of a*******s!

The I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! presenter appeared furious when Joe’s co-host Scarlett Moffatt banned him from partaking in The Pole Of Judgement game. Scarlett, 27, began: “Sorry Dec, but again your name doesn’t really go in the pun, so you’ll not guess.” Abruptly interrupting her, Dec, 42, fumed: “Don’t I even […]

‘As American as baseball’: Racism banner sparks uproar at Red Sox game

Published time: 14 Sep, 2017 11:59 Baseball fans were shocked by a “Racism is as American as baseball” banner at a Red Sox game. The message was seen as support for racists, but its owners’ later explained its intended meaning. The large black and white banner was unfurled at Wednesday’s Red Sox v Oakland Athletics […]