Best anti-ageing supplements: Taking THESE three nutrients could ward off grey hair

Supplements are often seem to ficus internally – whether boosting our immune system or protecting our bones – but taking the right ones could help preserve our natural hair colour too. As we get older, our hair starts to lose its colour and turn grey. This is because pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually […]

Look and feel great at any age: Anti-ageing expert reveals top tips to roll back the years

GETTY – STOCK PHOTO SMILES BETTER: A positive outlook can improve your appearance ACCEPT AGEING IS INEVITABLE  Acceptance is the key to a healthy and happy ageing process.  Many people try to fight ageing through repeated surgery, too much exercise and expensive anti-ageing products when the only result will be disappointment.  Worrying the whole time […]

Best diet for older people: Three reasons why eating MORE protein can be anti-ageing

Protein is a macronutrient – a type of food required in large amounts in the diet – along with carbohydrates and fats. It is broken down by the body into amino acids, which are the ‘building blocks’ of cells, and vital for numerous processes in the body. Animal products, such as meat, milk and eggs […]

Cancer treatment breakthrough: THESE anti-ageing drugs could prevent deadly symptoms

Researchers have found a new group of drugs may prevent or delay a number of chronic conditions which kill millions globally each year. A study by the Mayo Clicic showed that senolytic drugs had an anti-ageing effect which could help ward off cancer, among other deadly illnesses. The drugs were discovered to support healthy ageing […]