Wrinkles: Study suggests a ‘good anti-ageing strategy’ involving your phone

WRINKLES are a common sign of ageing and one which is inevitable for everyone as they grow older. However, in common with other later life occurrences, there are factors which can influence the rate at which these wrinkles appear. One of these factors may be linked to a person’s mobile phone usage.

The anti-ageing diet that'll help you turn back time

GETTY (STOCK) The Turn Back Time diet is simple to follow and doesn’t involve depriving yourself of what you like! Hormonal fluctuations mean our bodies interact with their environment differently and what worked for us in our 20s will not necessarily work in our 40s and beyond. This can lead to a host of problems […]

Anti-ageing for 2018: The FIVE trends you will be following next year to turn back time

Anti-ageing brings to mind face creams, but in 2018 the term will be applied to multiple aspects of your lifestyle. Scientists recently confirmed that it was biologically impossible for humans to live forever, but there is no reason why you can’t boost your longevity. Much advice about how to live longer stems around diet, with […]

Anti-ageing skincare: Office workers risk premature ageing doing THIS, expert warns

ANTI-AGEING skincare routines should include suncream, an expert has warned, as office workers are at risk of being ravaged by harmful computer rays. The light is just as damaging as ultraviolet rays – the skin cancer-causing light from the sun. Daily Express :: Health Feed