The Worst-Case Scenario

Graphicaartis / Getty Images Students at a Brooklyn middle school have a “duck and cover: practice drill in preparation for a nuclear attack, 1962. A botched ballistic missile warning in Hawaii, a canceled nationwide seminar on nuclear casualties, and a president who can’t stop tweeting at North Korea have people thinking about the unthinkable: a […]

For parts of Florida, Hurricane Irma offers a worst-case scenario

Enlarge / Hurricane Irma at dawn on Friday, shown in a GOES-16 photo. (credit: NOAA) On Thursday afternoon, Eric Blake, a hurricane specialist at the National Hurricane Center and one of the country’s foremost experts on these storms, took to Twitter to offer a few capstone thoughts on the storm bearing down on Florida. “Irma has […]

Tesla is about to confront dueling best- and worst-case scenarios, and anything could happen (TSLA)

REUTERS/Danny Moloshok Tesla is preparing for its biggest year ever. In the next six months, it will launch the $ 35,000 Model 3 mass-market car, and, over the course of 2017, the investment community will find out whether Elon Musk’s company can live up to its new business model as a vertically integrated energy firm, […]