Falcon & Winter Soldier: Emily VanCamp May Play MCU Role on Disney+ Series

Emily VanCamp is in talks to reprise her MCU role as Sharon “Grand-Niece of Peggy” Carter in Disney+’s upcoming series teaming Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Falcon & Winter Soldier, starring fellow MCU vets Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, is one of several Marvel series announced last month along with other Disney+ streaming service details. […]

Winds of Winter: George RR Martin still has ‘a LOT of work to do’ on Game of Thrones books

The story – which is split into seven instalments, five of which have been released thus far – sparked the entire Game of Thrones phenomenon. The final season of the TV series is due to air from next month, but Martin still has two books to finish. The Winds of Winter has been anticipated for […]

Stunning Photographs of the Scandinavian Winter

Photographer and San Diego native Kelley Hudson faced a tough choice not long ago. Her husband was accepted into a prestigious Masters program at the Danish Academy of Music, and she found herself deciding to sell her photography studio, uproot her family (including her young daughter), and move to Copenhagen. “I didn’t take a single […]

Want to find ‘hygge’ in England? Head to Cornwall in winter

Jacob Little January 28, 2019 Share this article In the ‘mizzle’ (a Cornish word for drizzly rain and mist) of Cornwall, Jacob Little finds a peaceful, community-focused world away from the summer crowds. It’s winter. The Cornish wind whips around the crooks and crevices of the county’s boundaries, infiltrating all the empty spaces, where there […]

Shameless Winter Premiere Recap: Like Father, Like Daughter — Plus, Grade It!

After Shameless‘ Season 9 winter premiere on Sunday, you might have been left wondering: Has Fiona officially become Frank? From the second the episode starts, it’s clear that Fi is in trouble. She’s drinking vodka first thing in the morning and then at work, while lashing out at customers and going on a weird rampage […]

How to sleep: Sip this juice in the day to ensure a good night’s rest during winter

HOW TO sleep: Extreme temperatures can play havoc on a person’s sleep routine – being too hot can make it difficult to fall asleep at night and low temperatures in the early hours of the morning can disrupt a good night’s sleep. What can you do to ensure you get your forty winks during the […]

Good Doctor Winter Premiere Recap: Did Lim Survive the Quarantine?

Warning: The following contains spoilers from The Good Doctor winter premiere. Fall behind? Read our fall finale post mortem here. This week on The Good Doctor, Morgan aids an infected Lim, while Shaun performs his first solo operation, mid-quarantine. Down in the emergency room, we learn that the deadly virus, which has already claimed three lives, is […]