Stargirl Recap: Best Episode Yet Sheds Light on a Wannabe Teen Supervillain

RELATED STORIES This recap contains spoilers from Episode 7 of DC’s Stargirl (which premieres new episodes Monday on DC Universe and Tuesday on The CW). DC’s Stargirl this week got very interesting, tunneling beneath the fun, bubbly artifice of its inherent premise to shed light on the dark underpinnings of one of Courtney’s classmates… reveal what […]

Mika Brzezinski asks if Pompeo is a ‘wannabe dictator’s butt boy’ after he deflects questions on Jamal Khashoggi’s killing

YouTube Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday ripped into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after he deflected questions on the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi during an interview with “Fox & Friends.”  The MSNBC host said, “Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard – is that a patriot speaking? Or a wannabe dictator’s butt boy?” […]

‘Mute’ Review Round-Up: A ‘Blade Runner’ Wannabe With Nothing to Say

In 2009, Moon put Duncan Jones on the map as one of the most intriguing and promising new directors working today. His debut gave Jones the opportunity to direct the modestly received, star-studded Source Code and the poorly received, big-budget Warcraft. But most importantly, it paved the way for a passion project 16 years in the making. And […]

Fit and ready to fly? UAE space program seeks wannabe astronauts

Published time: 7 Dec, 2017 21:12 The hunt for the first United Arab Emirates (UAE) astronauts is on after the Gulf nation’s prime minister opened the space program to applicants. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said the country’s state-of-the-art space center is hoping to find four people capable of undergoing intense training and join […]

Wannabe MMA brawler taken down by security at Malaysia apartment block (VIDEO)

Published time: 18 Jul, 2017 18:23 A man who allegedly started a fight with a security guard got his comeuppance when he was swiftly hauled to the ground and clubbed with a baton at an apartment block in Malaysia. Footage has emerged of the moment things got violent between a security officer and a visitor […]

Another small step for man: Russian space agency opens applications for wannabe moonwalkers

Published time: 14 Mar, 2017 22:13 The Russian space agency Roscosmos has announced that applications are now open for candidates to fill the spots of 6-8 cosmonauts who, if chosen, will be the first Russians to go to the Moon. Read more The Roscosmos State Corporation, Russia’s official space agency, said applications are now being […]

Wannabe urban gardeners, how about this indoor farm to get you started?

If you’ve always fancied tending your own vegetable garden but live in a place so small that such a hobby seems impossible, then there may be a solution. The Altifarm is a modular solution for wannabe urban gardeners that lets you grow vegetables and herbs year-round, inside your apartment. The Indiegogo project recently blasted through its funding […]