TVLine Items: USA Eyes Vigilante Drama, The Irregulars Trailer and More

USA Network may be Walking Tall, with WWE star Charlotte Flair attached to headline a potential series remake of the 1973 film, our sister site Deadline reports. Flair, who appeared in Psych: The Movie, will play a Tucson cop who finds herself caught in a web of fraud, exploitation and murder, forcing her to go […]

China created a website for vigilante citizens to report leaks and fake news

Cancan Chu/Getty Images China has created a website for vigilante citizens to report distorted headlines and harmful information about its military.  The website also invites the public to report military leaks.  China previously created software that automatically reports if a soldier leaks secret information or uses “sensitive words” online. Strict cyber-security laws are growing in China, where […]

Could Arrow's Vigilante Reveal Have Been Any Less Interesting?

That sound you didn’t hear on Thursday night was the collective Arrow fan base not gasping at the reveal of Vigilante’s identity. I, for one, never let myself get invested in this unmasking, as I never found the character to be terribly interesting but more of a sideshow to the far more engaging events of […]

Riverdale Recap: You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Vigilante

The Black Hood’s killing spree is driving everybody bonkers on Riverdale, leading to a violent (and very wet) throwdown between Archie and the Southside Serpents. With the whole town on edge, wondering who the next victim will be, Archie’s gang responds by doing what they do best: Jughead hits the library to research serial killers, […]

‘Vengeance: A Love Story’ Trailer: Nicolas Cage Becomes a Vigilante

Did you see the trailer for Eli Roth and Bruce Willis’s remake of Death Wish and think to yourself, “Man, I really hope we get a second movie this year in which a woman being raped is the impetus for a guy taking justice into his own hands,” than boy, do I have some great news for you. Here’s the first trailer for […]

A vigilante is putting a huge amount of work into infecting IoT devices

Enlarge (credit: Gammew) Last week, Ars introduced readers to Hajime, the vigilante botnet that infects IoT devices before blackhats can hijack them. A technical analysis published Wednesday reveals for the first time just how much technical acumen went into designing and building the renegade network, which just may be the Internet’s most advanced IoT botnet. […]

Vigilante botnet infects IoT devices before blackhats can hijack them

Enlarge (credit: Seth Anderson) Mirai, the botnet that threatened the Internet as we knew it last year with record-setting denial-of-service attacks, is facing an existential threat of its own: A competing botnet known as Hajime has infected at least 10,000 home routers, network-connected cameras, and other so-called Internet of Things devices. Hajime uses a decentralized […]