Pound to euro exchange rate: Pound dips despite Eurozone unemployment ‘five-year low’

The pound weighed in against the euro at 1.1460 this morning according to the latest Bloomberg figures.  This figure indicates a slight dip from the exchange rate yesterday that saw the pound trading at 1.1468. The GBP/EUR exchange rate has been in a state of flux over the last few weeks as the ‘Beast from […]

Jobs report crushes expectations, unemployment rate remains at lowest level since 2000

Grigory Dukor/Reuters The US economy added 313,000 jobs in February, many more than economists had expected, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor statistics released Friday. Wage growth slowed down.  The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.1%, the lowest in 18 years.  See the rest of the story at Business Insider NOW WATCH: The […]

Pound to euro exchange rate: Unemployment causes pound to lose recent gain

After a promising rise in the sterling against the euro, the pound has lost it’s gain. Wednesday saw the pound to euro exchange rate rise to 1.1355 but this has now slid back down to 1.1317 according to the latest Bloomberg figures. It was hoped that rumours of  privileged access to the single market post […]

Internet erupts over black unemployment after Trump’s unlikely feud with rapper Jay-Z

Donald Trump has lashed out at Jay-Z’s recent remarks about him, telling the rapper that black unemployment has actually dropped under his presidency. Twitter was divided over whether Trump had anything to do with the fall. “Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the […]

The Black and Hispanic Unemployment Rates Don’t Deserve Applause

On Monday morning, President Trump tweeted that the unemployment rate for black Americans had reached the lowest on record, and that the rate for Hispanic Americans will soon reach a similar milestone. He effectively claimed credit for these improvements, writing, “Dems did nothing for you but get your vote!” The truth is, Trump has so […]

Macron in hot water over labor plan that targets unemployed, not unemployment

French President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to slash benefits for the unemployed in half if they refuse “reasonable” job offers and annul them for two months in case of repeated refusals sparked criticism from both left and right. The newest step on Macron’s pro-business agenda was revealed by satirical weekly Canard Enchaine on Wednesday. The report […]

The U.S. Economy Reaches Lowest Unemployment Rate Since 2000

In October, the U.S. economy added 261,000 jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That reverses the job losses sustained during September, after two major hurricanes struck the South, at the time, leading to the first job decline in seven years. And the unemployment rate ticked down slightly lower, to 4.1 percent—the lowest rate […]

Kai-Fu Lee talks AI-driven unemployment: ‘Who says we need jobs?’

GUEST: With more than 1.7 million followers on Twitter, Kai-Fu Lee knows how to attract attention. As head of Beijing’s Sinovation Ventures (and former head of Google China), Lee is an often outspoken and controversial champion of artificial intelligence. Among his headline-making predictions are that 50 percent of all jobs will be replaced by automation, that China […]

There’s a clear link between America’s opioid crisis and unemployment

John Moore/Getty Images President Donald Trump has declared America’s surging use of opioids as a national emergency even as his budget cuts funding for some of the very health programs that target recovery from addiction.  A new study documents the relationship between drug use and persistent unemployment or underemployment. While drug use, and especially the opioid […]

Pound to euro exchange rate: Sterling climbs BACK as Eurozone unemployment slides

The data did little to deliver any significant impact on the exchange rate.  TorFX currency analyst Laura Parsons said: “The GBP/EUR exchange rate closed out Monday basically unchanged from the day’s opening levels, with the pairing hovering in the region of €1.116.  “The euro was gently buffeted by a succession of domestic data but none […]