Supergirl Sneak Peek: Dreamer Comes Out as Transgender on Live TV

Nia Nal has something to tell the world on Sunday’s Supergirl (The CW, 8/7c) — and the world is listening. The episode, appropriately titled “American Dreamer,” finds Nia stepping up as National City’s No. 1 protector while Kara works to clear the Girl of Steel’s good name. And as you’ll see in TVLine’s exclusive sneak […]

Transgender woman challenges store assistant to fight after being called ‘sir’ (VIDEO)

The furious outburst took place at a GameStop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and it began with the woman demanding a refund because the shop assistant called her “sir”. Footage of the incident that was uploaded to Facebook shows the employee repeatedly apologizing as the woman continues to rage. The video begins with the woman, shouting: […]

‘Having a penis and competing as a woman is not fair’: Navratilova inflames transgender fury

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova was forced to apologize for comments she made on social media saying that natural born men who ‘proclaim themselves female’ should not be allowed to compete against women. READ MORE: ‘I hear some fans aren’t happy, it’s ok I’ll be back’ – 1st trans male US boxer after pro debut Navratilova’s remarks […]

Miss Universe paid tribute to its first transgender competitor, Miss Spain, and made viewers emotional

Frank Micelotta/FOX Miss Spain, Angela Ponce, is the first transgender contestant at a Miss Universe pageant.  Though she didn’t make it to the top 20, the competition honored her with a special segment during Sunday’s live show. She also walked down the runway.  Miss Spain, Angela Ponce, made history at the Miss Universe pageant Sunday […]

Illinois prisons to retrain staff after transgender inmate who feels like ‘sex slave’ sues (DEBATE)

After multiple lawsuits from a prisoner who claimed she felt like a ‘sex slave’ in male prisons, the Illinois Department of Corrections is mandating staff training in “transgender issues.” Is it a special privilege or necessity? There are only 28 transgender prisoners in the Illinois correctional system, but one of them – a trans-woman named […]

Amazing life of transgender gangster Mr Gill

PITTSBURGH POST GAZETTE SUITS YOU SIR: Gill with ‘wife’ Cynthia Bruno It’s the most challenging role of her career, transforming herself into a portly, butch transsexual, cutting her hair short, taping down her ample breasts, gaining weight and wearing padding. But it’s a role that LGBTQ activists believe should only go to a genuinely transgender […]

Emmerdale spoilers: ITV bosses hire first transgender regular to play Moira's son Matty

Moira Dingle (played by Natalie J. Robb) will be shocked to her core when she and Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) discover someone has broken into Butler’s Farm. When Cain knocks out Matty Barton (Ash Palmisciano) after mistaking him for an intruder, Moria will instantly recognise him as her daughter Hannah. Having transitioned during his many […]

‘Venus’ Review: A Delightful, Cross-Cultural Transgender Comedy [New York Indian Film Festival]

I’m going to spoil Venus for you up front: it’s a film that ends happily. This isn’t so much a spoiler, though, as much as it is a reassurance of what becomes amply clear mere minutes in. It’s a family comedy – in tone, structure and everything else – and thus, it’s a queer narrative […]

Recognizing transgender identities reduces depression and suicidality, study shows

The transgender community has fought for the right to use adopted names in everyday life and on social media. Now, a new study has revealed that using a transgender person’s chosen name helps to combat depression. In a report published by the University of Texas, researchers discovered that when transgender youths are allowed to use […]