Supergirl Sneak Peek: Dreamer Comes Out as Transgender on Live TV

Nia Nal has something to tell the world on Sunday’s Supergirl (The CW, 8/7c) — and the world is listening. The episode, appropriately titled “American Dreamer,” finds Nia stepping up as National City’s No. 1 protector while Kara works to clear the Girl of Steel’s good name. And as you’ll see in TVLine’s exclusive sneak […]

Trump makes opening demands for ‘Dreamer’ deal — including funding for the wall

Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images President Donald Trump, who pledged to work with Democrats to protect “Dreamers” — young people brought illegally to the United States as children — called on Sunday for money to fund a border wall and thousands more immigration officers to be part of any deal. Trump’s list of immigration “principles,” laid out in […]

Dreamer detained by ICE after speaking at immigration rally

Published time: 2 Mar, 2017 04:44 A 22-year-old woman in Mississippi is in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after she spoke during an immigration news conference. The woman had entered the country illegally at the age of seven. Daniela Vargas was arrested Wednesday morning shortly after she gave a speech at a conference about […]