Bad teeth WARNING: Tooth loss and gum disease increases risk of frailty in the elderly

GETTY Spotting poor oral health could stop the elderly becoming trial, research has found Loss of teeth, gum disease, rotten teeth and a dry mouth are common complaints among the elderly. And as the population of over 65s and over 85s in England and Wales are projected to increase by 25 per cent and 50 […]

How often should you brush your teeth? Regular brushing guards from CANCER

Analysis of mouth bacteria showed that some types that lead to common gum problems were associated with higher risk of oesophageal cancer. Higher levels of one type of bacteria, which is linked to periodontal disease, was associated with a 21 per cent increased risk of cancer, the study found. Oesophageal cancer is the eighth most […]

Diet warning: Eating THESE seven unlikely foods could DAMAGE your teeth for good

A shiny, white smile can often feel unattainable, but if you care for your teeth properly then it can be achievable, according to experts. Research published this week found that had of UK adults are routinely missing at least a quarter of their teeth when they brush. Not only could this be compromising their appearance, […]