Ajit Pai’s supporters say he’s gone too far with plan that hurts poor people

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | jangeltun) Ajit Pai can usually count on support from broadband industry lobbyists and conservative think tanks each time he announces a new policy. But Pai’s proposal to limit broadband choices for poor people who rely on a telecom subsidy program is coming under fire from all directions. Pai, the Federal […]

‘Heartbreaking,’ ‘infuriating’: Supporters and critics of the deputy who resigned over his actions in the Parkland school shooting are weighing in

Joe Raedle/Getty Images An internal review by a local sheriff’s office indicated that Scot Peterson, the resource officer on duty during the Parkland shooting, failed to confront the gunman. Peterson is believed to have remained outside of the building while the shooting unfolded on Frbruary 14. Some people have criticized Peterson’s conduct. Veterans with combat experience […]

Assad supporters celebrate in Afrin after pro-govt forces bolster Kurds (VIDEO)

Demonstrators waved Syrian flags in the central square of the Kurdish-dominated city of Afrin, as Damascus sent militias to reinforce locals in their resistance against the Turkish onslaught. Amateur footage showed several dozen participants climbing on cars and monuments, while hoisting portraits of Syrian President Bashar Assad, as a larger crowd observed without joining in. Government-allied […]

Some of Trump’s biggest supporters are furious about his ‘lovefest’ meeting on immigration

Associated Press/Evan Vucci Immigration hardliners were not happy with President Donald Trump’s immigration talks with a group of bipartisan lawmakers on Tuesday. In an unusual, public meeting, Trump backed a two-phase solution first resolving the dilemma created by the soon-to-be-expired Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and secondly enacting broader immigration reforms. Right-wing immigration critics […]

Liverpool urged to win over supporters by spending Philippe Coutinho transfer money

It was confirmed yesterday that Liverpool had agreed a £142million fee for Coutinho to leave for Barcelona and he is expected to be in attendance for his new club’s match against Levante later today. Barcelona have sounded out a move for Coutinho since the summer when Liverpool insisted the Brazilian wasn’t for sale. There was […]

Roy Moore still refuses to concede — and he asked supporters to donate to an ‘election integrity fund’ to find voter fraud

Joe Raedle/Getty Images Former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore told supporters on Friday that the race is “not over.”  He is collecting donations to investigate incidents of voter fraud.  Despite calls from various GOP leaders, including President Donald Trump, to concede the race to his Democratic opponent Doug Jones, Moore remains defiant.  Former Alabama Senate […]

Trump supporters call 5yo girl a terrorist & verbally attack women (VIDEOS)

A five-year-old girl was called a terrorist by Trump supporters in Los Angeles on Sunday. The expletive-laden altercation was filmed by the girl’s cousin and has been watched online more than 3.7 million times. Three Trump supporters are seen having a confrontation with a Palestinian-American woman, a teenage boy and the five-year-old on a street, […]

Fugitive ex-Georgian leader Saakashvili detained in Kiev after supporters helped him break free

Published time: 8 Dec, 2017 21:48 Edited time: 8 Dec, 2017 22:02 The ex-president of Georgia turned Ukrainian opposition leader, Mikhail Saakashvili, has been recaptured in Kiev. Authorities put him on a wanted list after supporters helped him break free from police custody earlier this week. Saakashvili was placed in a temporary detention facility, General […]

Net neutrality supporters plan nationwide protests on December 7

Enlarge / Net neutrality supporters march past the FCC headquarters before a commission meeting on May 15, 2014. (credit: Getty Images | The Washington Post) The Obama administration’s network neutrality rules are in danger, and the activists who helped get those regulations enacted aren’t giving up without a fight. They’re planning a series of protests […]

Majority of Trump supporters don't believe in white privilege – survey

The poll found 74 percent of Trump’s biggest supporters didn’t believe in white privilege, according to a Pew Research Center survey. When broken down along party lines, 89 percent of Republicans approved of Trump’s job performance and didn’t believe in white privilege. Among Democrats who said whites benefited from white privilege, nearly all 97 percent […]