Drugged puppies blamed for spreading diarrhea superbugs in multi-state outbreak

Enlarge / I don’t feel so good. (credit: Getty | Christopher Furlong) Puppies given a startling amount of antibiotics have spurred a multi-state outbreak of diarrhea-causing bacterial infections that are extensively drug resistant, federal and state health officials report this week. The finding, published in the September 21 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by the […]

Hospital superbugs are evolving to survive hand sanitizers

Enlarge / A woman wearing a surgical mask washing her hands with a hand sanitizer. (credit: Getty | Andia) Popular hand sanitizers may be heading the way of antibiotics, according to a study published this week in Science Translational Medicine. Bacteria gathered from two hospitals in Australia between 1997 and 2015 appeared to gradually get […]