Only 16% of experts believe Theresa May will secure a Brexit future trade deal with the EU before the deadline

Getty Experts aren’t confident that Theresa May is going to secure a Brexit trade deal with the EU before the 2020 deadline. According to a new poll of 100 academics who specialise on the subject, just 16% think the UK Prime Minister will get a deal. 42%, meanwhile, think the UK will leave the EU […]

Windows’ built-in antivirus tool can run in a secure sandbox

Antivirus programs, by their nature, introduce a degree of risk. Since they have to scan malicious data to stop attacks (and thus need extensive permissions), a piece of malware that exploits antivirus flaws can typically run with impunity. That could be much more difficult if you’re using Windows 10’s built-in safeguards, though. Microsoft is gradually […]

Canada, US secure revised NAFTA deal in last minute effort – reports

Canada and the US have agreed on the basis of the revised North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), reaching a compromise in late night talks on Sunday after months of standoff, CBC reported, citing a senior Canadian source. The breakthrough came on Sunday evening as the negotiating parties have agreed on key elements of the […]

MIT can secure cloud-based AI without slowing it down

It’s rather important to secure cloud-based AI systems, especially when they they use sensitive data like photos or medical records. To date, though, that hasn’t been very practical — encrypting the data can render machine learning systems so slow as to be virtually unusable. MIT thankfully has a solution in the form of GAZELLE, a […]

Christabel Nettey set to secure berth in Diamond League final following health scare

With her performance slipping and confidence sagging, a reluctant Christabel Nettey had little choice but to listen to her body. By late June, the Canadian long jumper was exhausted, having extended herself during a mid-season trip to Europe for four competitions in two weeks. She also maintained a busy schedule upon her return that included […]

Drug-addicted pet owners may abuse their animals to secure opioid fix, study warns US vets

Some opioid addicts have been known to injure their pets to get their hands on powerful prescription drugs to satisfy their cravings, a new survey in Colorado has revealed, calling for more oversight on drug prescription by vets. Arguing that authorities have overlooked the issue of a “supply and demand equation” of prescription opioids in […]