‘Someone in YOUR party?’ Schofield stunned as Swinson admits root of low cut top plea

“Holly, you’ll experience this and there will be lots of women watching this who have all had lots of unsolicited advice,” the politician began. “Some of it very well meaning,” she went on to add, before Holly asked: “Was it from someone within you party that said it?” Confirming the speculation, Swinson admitted: “In that […]

Root is a terrific—and fully asymmetric—woodland wargame

Enlarge (credit: Charlie Theel) Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com. Root does something special: it breaks a conflict-heavy wargame with fully asymmetric roles into easily digestible chunks, then wraps these complex bits in stylized fur and medieval garb. It’s a sophisticated design that […]

New RAMpage exploit revives Rowhammer attack to root Android devices

(credit: Ron Amadeo) In late 2016, Google’s security team scrambled to fix a critical vulnerability that allowed attackers to gain unfettered root access to Android devices by using a relatively new class of exploit that manipulates data stored in memory chips. Now, 21 months later, many of the same researchers behind the attack, dubbed Drammer, […]

8 teams to root for in the World Cup if your favorite country went bust in qualifying

Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images The 2018 World Cup is almost upon us, and unfortunately for fans of the world’s most popular sport in the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, Chile, Ireland, and others, their nations won’t be represented. While it’s certainly a disappointment for those teams, especially on the American side after their 2014 run to […]

Farms Take Root Among NYC's Skyscrapers

Temperatures dropped to single digits this winter in New York City, but inside the mobile indoor farm demoed by innovative tech company Local Roots on the East Side of Manhattan, it was summertime. Rows of bright-green lettuce sprouting in trays basked under LEDs that mimic natural sunlight, while the circulating water delivered nutrients to their […]

Dementia symptoms: This 59p root vegetable could lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Dementia symptoms include memory loss, difficulty concentrating and mood changes. While one in every 14 people over 65 will develop a neurodegenerative condition, your risk could be lowered by eating foods high in folate, according to medical website Healthline. Folate helps to lower the amount of homocysteine in the body – an amino acid that […]