Open-world adventure game ‘Rime’ comes to the Switch this November

Tequila Works’ highly-anticipated indie game Rime, formerly planned as a PS4 exclusive, is also headed to PC, the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. While some were worried the open-world adventure would cost more on the Switch (it won’t), Rime will still take longer to arrive on Nintendo’s portable console. The publishers have finally announced a […]

Rime developer talks about Spain’s struggle to grow in games

Companies like Tequila Works, the maker of games such as Rime and Deadlight, are trying to put the gusto in game development in Spain. The country has more than 480 video game companies with about 4,460 employees, according to a 2016 white paper by a Spanish tech university and several government groups. Spain has had a major […]

Rime allegedly runs faster with Denuvo DRM stripped out

Enlarge / Was Denuvo’s DRM slowing down this darling fox? Whatever your thoughts on the use of digital rights management to protect games against piracy, you probably don’t want any DRM solution to actually have a negative impact on the performance of the game or your computer (SecuROM, anyone?). Now, though, crackers are alleging that […]

RiME game review: An unforgettable memorial vacation

Enlarge / RiME is often a peaceful game, but it has a few harrowing moments. (credit: Tequila Works) I have had one of the most gorgeous Memorial Day weekends that I can recall, replete with beautiful, exotic memories. Some are dotted with endless coastlines and remarkable rock formations. Others are covered by bizarre memorials to an unnamed past, […]

‘Rime’ creators will remove anti-tampering code if it’s cracked

Game studios that use digital rights management (DRM) tools tend to defend it to the death, even after it’s been cracked. It prevents ‘casual’ piracy and cheating, they sometimes argue. However, Rime developer Tequila Works is taking a decidedly different approach. It claims that it’ll remove Denuvo, the anti-tampering/DRM system on the Windows version of […]