Nvidia’s RTX cards could create a breakthrough for eye-tracked rendering

During the presentation of its GeForce RTX 2080 graphics cards last week, Nvidia spent most of its time on ray tracing. This is the high-end light modeling tech that could bring a new level of realism to games. But these new cards can do more than just ray tracing. One of the other potential standout […]

Cryptocurrency botnets are rendering some companies unable to operate

We’re imagining botnets in 2018 aren’t greatly impacting vintage OS systems, but many modern computers aren’t performing their best post-Smominru. (credit: Apple) A massive cryptocurrency mining botnet has generated as much as $ 3.6 million dollars’ worth of the digital coin known as Monero since last May, a researcher said Wednesday. The windfall isn’t the […]

Otoy’s Jules Urbach believes the blockchain can produce a crowdsourced rendering engine

Once upon a time, you had to submit a program to the computer department. They would run it, and send the results back to you in the form of a printout. That worked well in the days when there was one big computing resource that everybody had to share. In a way, Jules Urbach, CEO […]

Otoy is planning a blockchain peer-to-peer GPU rendering network

A couple weeks ago. I dived deep into the efforts of Jules Urbach, the visionary fast-talking CEO and co-founder of Los Angeles-based Otoy. The forward-thinking founder of the rendering company is perpetually working at technology’s cutting edge, and his latest efforts add a new wrinkle to his complex attempt to shape the future. Urbach’s latest plan is […]