How digital media companies are recreating content bundles to overcome fragmentation and grow subscribers

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence. Current subscribers can read the report here. Business Insider Intelligence As streaming becomes an increasingly mainstream behavior among consumers, the video industry has produced new combinations of streaming video programming services to prepare for the progressive overhaul in how media is distributed.See the […]

‘The Post’ Featurettes Look at Steven Spielberg’s Vision, Recreating the Washington Post Offices & More

This weekend finally brings The Post to theaters everywhere after being in limited release in select theaters since just before Christmas. Critics and audiences in Los Angeles and New York have been ranting and raving about Steven Spielberg‘s historical drama about the publication of The Pentagon Papers, so 20th Century Fox has offered a closer […]

Is Recreating 24's Romantic Past the Plan for Designated Survivor's Future?

Will ABC’s Designated Survivor take a(nother) page from 24‘s playbook and mine one of that Kiefer Sutherland-fronted drama’s love stories for future fodder? RELATEDDesignated Survivor: Breckin Meyer to Play Widowed POTUS’ Brother But as for any temptation to lean into the romantic chemistry Raver and Sutherland shared on 24, Eisner offered this: “Here’s what I […]

Star Wars 8 shock new Snoke pic looks like PALPATINE – Are they recreating THIS scene?

Not long to go now and fans are being treated to an avalanache of new trailers, teasers, images and merchandise. The stars are also on a huge global press tour, dropping sneaky hints and tantalising clues. Despite numerous leaks and reports, Snoke remains one of the biggest mysteries of Episode 8. He hasn’t even been […]

By 2100, we could be recreating a 50-million-year-old climate

Enlarge / A coal mine in Australia. Burning this ancient sunlight could bring back ancient climates, too. (credit: Max Phillips (Jeremy Buckingham MLC)) From the perspective of a living organism, the history of the Earth has included an odd combination of radical change and fortunate stability. Continents have wandered from polar to equatorial homes, mountain […]