Crowdfunding raises millions for quack cancer remedies, like coffee enemas

Enlarge / Bottles of herbal oils and dried plants used in alternative medicine. (credit: Getty | Martin Norris) Doctors and clinics that peddle unproven, potentially harmful treatments to desperate cancer patients are pocketing millions thanks to donations collected on popular crowdfunding sites such as GoFundMe. That’s according to data published recently in BMJ. In just […]

Cancer experts warn of ‘quack apps promising miracle cures’

Some of the most popular promote high-fat, low-carbohydrate “ketogenic” diets and suggest they are effective in fighting cancer, despite no clinical trials backing up the claims. Some claim they restrict calorie consumption and therefore the amount of fuel that cancer cells receive. But health experts said following them could cause harm and urged patients to […]

Homeopathic detox: Med school quietly flushes quack science after criticism

Enlarge / The Susan and Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences will include a new building housing state-of-the-art technology and labs – forming the foundation for a national showcase for integrative health. (credit: University of California, Irvine) University of California, Irvine—a school long known for embracing “alternative medicine”—has undergone a potent detox: the clinical arm […]

Quack trial to resurrect brain dead folks revived with new location

Enlarge / A zombie hand rises out of a grave. (credit: Getty | diane39) Indian authorities last year pulled the plug on a dubious clinical trial aiming to reverse brain death in 20 people. But, it seems, the resolve of the trial’s leaders is undying. They have revived their plans and will announce a new […]