Meet the most promising crypto startups of 2022, according to investors

Wow, it's already Monday. If you've not already "quiet quit" your job, you've probably at least heard the term, and have likely read stories of people doing the absolute least (like Conan O'Brien's assistant, who quiet quit before it was "cool"). You can also listen to her story on The Refresh from Insider, available here.  […]

Some promising news for kids with peanut allergies

Enlarge / Each half-peanut kernel contains around 150 mg of peanut protein. (credit: flickr user: Andrew Sweeney) Peanut allergies are among the most fatal of food allergies. An accidental exposure to even a tiny quantity of peanut protein is capable of provoking severe reactions. For kids with these allergies, the killer might also be the […]

Heartland Tech Weekly: Promising tech hubs won’t all rise together

An interesting report came out this week from the Center for American Entrepreneurship, detailing the progress that’s been made in American startup communities over the last three years. The report specifically looked at how the number of “first financings” — that is, the amount of startups receiving their first round of venture capital finan…Read More

Cancer experts warn of ‘quack apps promising miracle cures’

Some of the most popular promote high-fat, low-carbohydrate “ketogenic” diets and suggest they are effective in fighting cancer, despite no clinical trials backing up the claims. Some claim they restrict calorie consumption and therefore the amount of fuel that cancer cells receive. But health experts said following them could cause harm and urged patients to […]

US to shell out $6.6mn for White Helmets ‘vital operations’ weeks after promising funding freeze

The United States will resume funding for the controversial, militant-linked White Helmets, a month after the group had its financial support frozen. The State Department also lauded the group for saving “100,000 lives” in Syria. President Donald Trump has authorized the US State Department, in conjunction with the United States Agency for International Development, to […]