Egypt ‘one of a kind’ tomb discovered dating back to Pyramid of Giza era

The tomb was found in a buried ridge in Saqqara, which was the capital of Egypt for more than 2,000 years. It dates back to approximately 2,500 BC, shortly after the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Buried inside was a high priest named Wahtye who served King Neferirkare. The rare discovery is due […]

Egypt: 3,000-year old female mummy found preserved in latest Pyramid discoveries

Egypt authorities have discovered a 3,000 Egyptian woman perfectly preserved in a tomb near the Valley of the Kings. The body was still intact having been mummified as far back as the 17th dynasty. The time period dates back to the 13th Century BC – the same era as Pharaoh Tutankhamen. It is the latest […]

Jeff Bezos pictures Amazon as an inverted pyramid, in which he is the least important person at the bottom

Cliff Owen/AP A seasonal Amazon worker, who wrote an anonymous column in The Guardian, described the induction talk they were given on their first day. A manager took an image of an inverted pyramid, labelled the bottom “least important” and said that CEO Jeff Bezos thinks he belongs at this end of the diagram. Amazon’s […]

Egypt: 800 tombs discovered dating back to Great Pyramid of Giza era

The tombs were located in Southern Egypt in near the village of Lisht, south of Al Ayyat. An expedition led by the University of Alabama Birmingham and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities found the 802 tombs thought to date back almost 4,000 years. They are thought to be around the Middle Kingdom period between 2030 […]

Asteroid the size of Great Giza Pyramid making a ‘close approach’ to Earth

An asteroid listed as “potentially hazardous” by NASA and estimated to be about the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza is hurtling toward Earth at 20,000 mph – but don’t cancel your end-of-August plans just yet. The giant space rock, known as 2016 NF23, measures between 230ft and 525ft in diameter and is expected […]

New Great Pyramid of Giza mystery reveals electromagnetic secrets within hidden chambers

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt and the world. As the last remaining landmark of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the mysteries behind it plague scientists and archaeologists to this day. A recent discovery from within the hidden chambers has shocked experts after learning […]

Mystery solved? Great Pyramid of Giza origin finally explained

The Great Pyramid of Giza has long been lauded as one of the most pioneering feats of engineering, having been built over 4500 years ago. Built by Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu, it is perfectly designed to align the with the cardinal points of north, south, east and west, although the top is slightly lopsided. Yet, the […]

Creator of Russia's biggest financial pyramid linked to 50 suicides joins the crypto-craze

Published time: 24 Dec, 2017 10:39 A convicted Russian fraudster, who once ran the country’s biggest Ponzi scheme, Sergei Mavrodi, has announced plans to relaunch his digital currency ‘mavro’ on the Ethereum platform. “The time for change is now! We can do a lot!! Financial apocalypse is inevitable,” Mavrodi posted on his website, with a […]

Scientists confirm there’s a mysterious “void” in the Great Pyramid

ScanPyramids mission Though the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt is one of the ancient world’s biggest and most elaborate monuments, we still know very little about how it was constructed. We also don’t know how many chambers are hidden inside it. Now, an international research team has identified what appears to be a large […]

Cosmic rays unlock new secrets in Egypt’s Great Pyramid

It turns out that the 4,500 year old Great Pyramid of Giza still has some secrets to share. Using cosmic-ray imaging, an international team detected a large chamber within the structure that was previously unidentified, according to Nature. It’s the first discovery within the Great Pyramid since the 19th century. When galactic cosmic rays hit […]