‘Behind the badge we have a human being’: Officers could struggle psychologically after Fredericton shooting

It’s normal for first responders to experience symptoms such as nightmares or increased irritability after a traumatic event such as Friday’s shooting in New Brunswick, and they should seek help if problems continue or increase over time, experts say.

“Deeply And Dangerously Psychologically Disordered“

A member of the House Intelligence Committee is going where many of her colleagues have not: reaching out to people in the mental health field to talk about President Donald Trump. “It’s one thing from my non-professional, non-clinical standpoint [to] believe that someone does not have the capacity to do the job, it’s another thing […]

‘Psychologically scarred’ millennials are killing countless industries with their strange habits — but here are the brands they actually like

Millennials are hurting dozens of industries, from beer to napkins.  But the young demographic is also helping some industries. Ad agency Moosylvania analyzed 15,000 responses from millennials — age 17 to 37 — that the agency has collected over the last five years on their favorite 100 brands.  There are many complex reasons millennials’ preferences differ from prior generations’, including […]