Not ‘inclusive’ enough? US student told to remove ‘F*** Nazis’ sign as it provokes ‘mixed feelings’

The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has landed itself in hot water after staff asked a student to remove a sign, condemning Nazis, from her dorm window over “issues of inclusion.” Junior student, Nicole Parsons, placed a sign reading “F*** Nazis. You are not welcome here” in her dorm window earlier in December. A week later, […]

New Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer provokes fan theories with its final shot

Enlarge (credit: Lucasfilm) The official Star Wars Twitter account shared one final short trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi yesterday, commemorating “VIII days” until the movie’s premiere. It’s only 30 seconds long, and it’s in that infuriating social video aspect ratio, but the new teaser does include some perplexing new material. While the new […]

Feminist menstruation art provokes tension in Stockholm metro

Published time: 3 Nov, 2017 03:06 A series of wall-sized black-and-white paintings of women spreading their legs wide to reveal a red splotch of period blood, on public display in Stockholm’s underground system, have proven divisive among passengers of various ages. Painted by feminist cartoonist Liv Stromquist, the posters, featuring female figure skaters doing leg […]

Ceiling-fan efficiency provokes 1st lawsuit against Trump Energy Secretary

(credit: Tamara Dunn / Flickr) New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said on Monday that the state is suing the Department of Energy (DOE) for delaying the date on which rules about ceiling-fan efficiency are supposed to take effect. The AG said he would sue the department again if it failed to publish a separate […]