How brick-and-mortar retailers can bring personalization in-store to compete with e-tailers (AMZN, BABA, JD)

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider’s premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence,  click here. Current subscribers can read the report  here.  If we’re living through a “retail apocalypse” that spells doom for brick-and-mortar retail, as many have suggested, why are e-commerce leaders like Amazon, […]

How brands can leverage artificial intelligence to improve personalization, enhance ad targeting, and make marketing teams more agile

BI Intelligence This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider’s premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here. Artificial intelligence (AI), often used as an umbrella term to describe types of technology that can simulate human intelligence, is one of today’s hottest topics across a […]

Snap’s Bitmoji Deluxe adds more avatar personalization options

If you’re an avid user of the Bitmoji keyboard, this is your lucky day. Snap announced Bitmoji Deluxe, which includes hundreds of new customizations for your Bitmoji. These include skin tone options, hair styles, hair colors, facial features, accessories and more. To ensure your Bitmoji looks as much like you as possible, Snap has added […]

AI could save television advertising with advanced personalization

GUEST: Artificial intelligence is changing almost every aspect of modern life, and the television advertising industry is no exception. Thanks to more advanced methods of data collection, AI allows advertisers to tailor their content more effectively to relevant demographics through what’s called “programmatic TV advertising.” This advertising channel is set to be largely impacted by […]

Microsoft launches Beta: Faster framework, more personalization, and a smarter inbox

After the massive overhaul last year, Microsoft is back at it again. The company today announced Beta, a new version of the web email client users can try to improve by giving feedback to the team’s engineers and designers. The company is promising the beta will bring a faster with new ways […]

Scroogled no more: Gmail won’t scan e-mails for ads personalization

Enlarge / Microsoft’s description of Gmail scanning from the “Scroogled” ad campaign. (credit: Microsoft) Google has announced it will no longer scan e-mail messages for ad personalization. Previously, in the consumer version of Gmail, Google’s computers would scan the contents of every e-mail message to determine a relevant ad to show. The scanning “feature” has been […]