Business Software Directory Recognizes GrowSurf With 2 Marketing Software Distinctions

After a thorough examination from FinancesOnline’s B2B software experts, GrowSurf, a free referral software tool, received two prestigious recognitions: the Great User Experience and Rising Star award. Generally, FinancesOnline’s experts praised GrowSurf’s ease of use. “GrowSurf makes it easy even for novice digital markets, agencies, enterprises and organizations of all types to create and launch […]

3 Digital Marketing Solutions for Driving Sales

  What if I were to tell you there are tools available to increase your sales, that are both inexpensive, and are easy to implement. Is that something you might be interested in? In 2015, there are now more digital marketing opportunities available for growing your business – from the inside of your venue – […]

Got Extra Time? 3 Places to Update Your Visual Online Marketing

Article was originally published on HoneyBook. All of us in the events industry are seeing some stormy skies at the moment. Some have already felt the stinging rain of canceled events or missed payments, and the rest of us are waiting apprehensively, sure that a flood is headed our way. It’s in these unsure, stormy […]

Strategies for Better Marketing

The best way to structure marketing for any product is to look to large-scale metrics. It is often difficult to get demographic-related results as they pertain specifically to your business because your sample size tends to be relatively small. By looking at larger and more sweeping studies, it is possible to be more cognizant of […]

Avengers Endgame: ANOTHER trailer on the way? Marvel marketing asks fans if they want MORE

When it comes to Avengers and Star Wars, Disney like to keep plot details firmly secret. And this year sees the concluding parts of both the first MCU saga, as well as the Skywalker saga. Such epic blockbusters will no doubt be full of twists, surprises and major character deaths. So when marketing these movies, […]

We’re hiring a VP of Subscription Marketing

SFIO CRACHO/Shutterstock We’re hiring a VP of Subscription Marketing to aggressively grow subscriptions and lead our marketing team from our New York office. Insider Inc.’s subscriptions team is passionate about producing research products that help industry leaders transform their organizations using emerging digital technologies, along with premium business news in finance, markets, enterprise, and tech. […]

The Influencer Marketing Report: Research, strategy & platforms for leveraging social media influencers

This is a preview of the Influencer Marketing (2018) research report from Business Insider Intelligence. To learn more about the top platforms, as well as strategies for social media influencer marketing, click here. Current subscribers can read the report here. BI Intelligence The concept of a brand hiring a popular personality to promote a product […]