Might Evil’s David and Kristen Cross a Sacred Line? Mike Colter Illuminates ‘Tricky Thing’ of the Pair’s Attraction

RELATED STORIES Throw two attractive people in the life-and-death situation of an exorcism, and sparks — and quite possibly some projectile vomit — are going to fly. So it’s little surprise that Evil co-workers David and Kristen have been inching ever closer since the CBS series’ premiere, despite the fact that he’s a priest-in-training and she’s […]

‘Ship Shape: How Your Favorite Pairs From This Is Us, Jane, The Resident, Riverdale and Other Shows Are Faring

Here at TVLine, we don’t just report on revivals — we can create our own, too! Case in point: We’re shaking the dust off ‘Ship Shape, a recurring feature we first introduced back in 2013 (simpler times…) to track the relationship statuses of our favorite TV couples. This romance report is being resurrected as we approach […]

‘Castle Must Be Mine’ Pairs Tower Defense & Virtual Reality

Remember the days of stacking blocks and commanding your army of toys to fend off opposing forces? In Castle Must Be Mine, you can relive your glory days as overseer and all-powerful. You’ll be defending your towers with your trusty hero, traps, and your own god-like powers (like fireball tossing). Keeping your area safe can […]

‘Dallas & Robo’ pairs a trucker and a robot to save the solar system

Earlier the month, YouTube announced a new Kat Dennings- and John Cena-led animated series for its Red, soon to be Premium, platform — a buddy comedy from the company behind BoJack Horseman about a space trucker and a robot. In Dallas & Robo, the two travel together between different worlds, delivering goods and getting into […]

25 stylish pairs of women’s sunglasses that are all under $100

Sunglasses are something I look forward to shopping for every season — not only because the trends fluctuate, but because I often lose my cheaper pairs and need new ones anyway. I have one expensive pair (that I’m too afraid of losing or ruining to wear every day) and many not-so-expensive pairs that often need […]

Eleague pairs Street Fighter V amateur open with its annual pro Invitational

Esports organization Eleague ran its first Street Fighter V Invitational last year, and this year, it’s planning something extra. In addition to the main tournament, it’s partnered with esports platform Battlefy to host a Street Fighter V Open for amateurs. Registration begins on March 30. Eleague is best known for its Counter-Strike: G…Read More

21 celebrity pairs you didn’t realize were best friends

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Celebrities know just how nice it is to have friends on the inside in Hollywood. These friends can help each other land roles, defend against the gossip magazines, or even fluff each other’s dresses on the red carpet. You surely know about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s lasting friendship and you might be well […]

Ressence made a mechanical watch that pairs with your smartphone

Many hybrid watches only resemble classic timepieces on a superficial level. If you want a watch with a true mechanical movement, you have to forego modern conveniences. Ressence wants to fix that with its newly unveiled Type 2 e-Crown Concept. The watch, designed with the help of Nest co-founder Tony Fadell, only requires conventional setup […]

Sennheiser released an affordable version of one of its best headphones — but there are only 5,000 pairs

The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you’ll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. Massdrop The world of tech accessories is seemingly endless, but if there’s one “must own,” it’s a good pair of headphones, and I’m not talking about the practically disposable earbuds […]