NOAA is about to make some big changes to its global weather model

Enlarge / Ominous wall cloud portends possible violent weather in Nebraska early in 2018. (credit: NOAA) The nation’s weather and climate organization, NOAA, has appointed a new director of its Environmental Modeling Center. This position, essentially, oversees development of the US computer models used to forecast weather around the world. The new director is Brian […]

NOAA fisheries open investigation into minke whale deaths

The US National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration has deemed deaths of minke whales along the east coast last year an ‘Unusual Mortality Event’ (UME). UME, the designation for an occurrence involving a significant die-off of any marine mammal population has spurred a federal probe, NOAA Fisheries announced Wednesday in a teleconference with reporters. The investigation will […]

NOAA recaps 2017’s near-biblical collection of weather extremes

Enlarge / Members of the Texas Army National Guard moved through flooded Houston streets as floodwaters from Hurricane Harvey continued to rise on August 28, 2017. More than 12,000 members of the Texas National Guard were called out to support local authorities in response to the storm. (credit: Zachary Wes) The figures for 2017’s global […]

As hurricane season begins, NOAA told to slow its transition to better models

Enlarge / Hurricane Matthew is seen in 2016, closing in on Florida. (credit: NOAA) It’s a lousy time to be a US weather forecaster. Even as the Atlantic Ocean heats up, wind shear falls, and the potential for an active hurricane season looms, vacancies have been mounting at the National Hurricane Center in Miami and at National […]

Here Are Most Incredible Life Forms NOAA Found on Its Latest Deep Sea Dive

GIF A Venus flytrap sea anemone, one of the many sea creatures spotted by the NOAA during its recent trip to American Samoa. (Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2017 American Samoa) For the past three weeks, biologists aboard the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer have been investigating marine sanctuaries in […]