As the government shutdown over Trump’s border wall rages, a journey along the entire 1,933-mile US-Mexico border shows the monumental task of securing it

Skye Gould/Andy Kiersz/Business Insider The US government is currently shut down because President Donald Trump is demanding billions of dollars to build a wall along the US-Mexico border, and Congress won’t fund it. Of the 1,933 miles along the border, 1,279 miles is unfenced. Most of the barrier that currently exists, and that the Trump […]

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus review: Excellent, not monumental

When my mom asked if she should upgrade from her Galaxy S8 to an S9, I struggled to find an answer. After spending about ten days with Samsung’s latest flagship, I’m still torn. Besides the fact that I’d rarely recommend people upgrade from a year-old phone in general, this generation of the S series also […]

Washington: Monumental snapshots of America's capital from the White House to Capitol Hill

GETTY Visitors on the Lincoln Memorial steps with the Washington Monument in the background Not since the last series of House Of Cards has there been so much intrigue in America’s capital Washington, where President Donald Trump took office in January. Since then he has become renowned for his constant tweets and no-nonsense, blunt statements […]

A Monumental Battle

Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty Images As the Trump administration closes in on what many expect will be recommendations to shrink or even dissolve some national monuments, defenders of the vast expanses of land and ocean are already gearing up for a potentially monumental legal battle never before seen in the US. President Trump […]

Netflix update just made a monumental change to YOUR app, here's what is new

Netflix is revolutionising the way you find the shows you like. The online streaming service is rolling out an update that will see its current star-based rating system replaced by a new service called Thumbs. Thumbs, as the name suggests, allows Netflix users to rate the programs they have watched with a simple thumbs-up/thumbs-down system, […]