E-cig makers have 60 days to show they aren’t targeting minors

The Food And Drug Administration may force several e-cigarette brands to stop selling flavored products if they can’t prove they can keep their products out of minors’ hands. The brands — Juul, Vuse, MarkTen, blu and Logic — have 60 days to convince the agency they have adequate plans to stop kids from vaping with […]

8 people, including minors, charged in France with plotting attack against mosques, politicians

Published time: 22 Oct, 2017 17:51 At least 8 people, including three minors, have been charged in France for a “criminal terrorist conspiracy,” prosecutors said. Their intended targets were reportedly mosques, people of North African descent and politicians. The accused, aged between 17 and 29, had plans to commit violent actions, the Paris prosecutor’s office […]

Police threaten to arrest minors and evict their parents in crime crackdown

Anti-social behavior blighting areas of Manchester has prompted police to take tougher action on whole families – even threatening to evict the parents of nuisance children. Officers warned they will arrest minors caught misbehaving and will punish their parents, too. The new initiative will see police manning ‘anti-social behavior buses’ and patrolling trouble hotspots. The […]

NHL: Players under contract in minors can't go to Olympics

Players with NHL contracts, even those in the minors, will not be allowed to participate in the Winter Olympics next February. Deputy commissioner Bill Daly confirmed the league’s stance to The Associated Press on Monday. The league announced in April it wouldn’t be stopping its season to go to the Olympics for the first time […]

Over 100 missing minors from Calais could be subjected to sexual abuse – report

More than 100 refugee minors remain missing after being smuggled into the UK illegally from France during the last 12 months, the Independent has learned, warning of potential sexual abuse of children by their smugglers. Out of 167 children that were trafficked from France to the UK since last August, 104 minors remain missing, the […]