E-cig makers have 60 days to show they aren’t targeting minors

The Food And Drug Administration may force several e-cigarette brands to stop selling flavored products if they can’t prove they can keep their products out of minors’ hands. The brands — Juul, Vuse, MarkTen, blu and Logic — have 60 days to convince the agency they have adequate plans to stop kids from vaping with […]

FDA wants to make cigarettes non-addictive, give e-cig makers a leg up

(credit: vincewilcox) The US Food and Drug Administration announced a comprehensive, multi-year plan Thursday to stamp out the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the country—tobacco use. The agency intends to reduce the amount of nicotine allowed in traditional combustion cigarettes with the goal of making them “non-addictive.” At the same time, the […]