Biden lambastes ‘MAGA Republicans’ in rare prime time attack just 2 months before the midterms: ‘There is no place for political violence in America’

President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) President Joe Biden on Thursday delivered a speech on the "battle for the soul of the nation."  The president assailed "MAGA Republicans," who he said are determined to take the country backwards. "For a long time, we've reassured ourselves […]

Russian journalist observing US midterms briefly detained by FBI – report

The FBI has reportedly questioned USA Really head Alexander Malkevich at Washington airport after his trip to cover the midterm elections. The Russian mission in the US has requested information on the incident. “In connection with media reports concerning the detention of Russian journalist Alexander Malkevich by FBI officers in Washington airport, an inquiry regarding […]

Recommended Reading: Mid-Terms, Morose Pop, and Publicity Stunts

Modern online media is all about the signal boost, so every Friday here at Flavorwire, we take a moment to spotlight some of the best stuff we’ve read online this week. Today, smart takes on Tuesday’s mid-term elections, a round-up of old-school movie hucksterism, and a investigation of what happened to pop-y pop music.  Kristin Hunt […]

Midterms 2018 LIVE: Democrats take the House, GOP holds the Senate in a wild election night

Samantha Lee/Business Insider; Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images; Drew Angerer/Getty Images; Win McNamee/Getty Images; Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images The 2018 midterm elections are upon us, and the country is anxiously awaiting to hear the results of an array of consequential races nationwide. There’s a lot at stake on Tuesday, November 6. So far the results have been a […]

From dumpster fires to deportation buses: The midterms’ craziest campaign ads

American politics has always been about spectacle, and with Tuesday’s midterm elections watched closer than any in recent memory, candidates have been dredging the bottom of the barrel for creative and attention-grabbing ideas. Here we take a look back at the political ads that, for better or worse, stood out from the pack during this […]

Green wave: Record spending makes 2018 US midterms ‘most expensive ever’

Democrats are pouring record amounts of money into congressional midterm elections this year, hoping to gain control of the House and the Senate, with the GOP close behind. But will big spending translate to ballot box victory? Democrats are pinning their hopes on a “Blue Wave” that would give them control of both the House […]

Recommended Reading: Midterms have already been hacked

The midterms are already hacked. You just don’t know it yet. Benjamin Wofford, Vox The concerns regarding voting processes in the US are nothing new, especially when it comes to vulnerabilities. Vox is the latest to take an in-depth look at the troubling issues surrounding voting systems ahead of the midterms on November 6th. And […]

How Russia’s “influence operations” targeted the midterms (and how they still do)

Enlarge (credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Last week, Twitter released data from accounts that had been identified as part of Russian and Iranian influence campaigns, including efforts by Russia to influence the political climate in the United States before, during, and after the 2016 presidential campaign. Hours later, the US Department of Justice announced the indictment […]