Biden lambastes ‘MAGA Republicans’ in rare prime time attack just 2 months before the midterms: ‘There is no place for political violence in America’

President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) President Joe Biden on Thursday delivered a speech on the "battle for the soul of the nation."  The president assailed "MAGA Republicans," who he said are determined to take the country backwards. "For a long time, we've reassured ourselves […]

'Worst gathered around each other': Iran lambastes US govt as ties continue to sour

There has not been a more hostile and spiteful US government against Iran in four decades, President Hassan Rouhani claimed in an explosive speech on Sunday, accusing America of pushing for a regime change. “There was a time when there was one person who had enmity. The rest were moderate. Now…the worst have gathered around […]

Anti-Russian & ‘nothing to do with reality’: Moscow lambastes US Nuclear Posture Review

Washington seeks to justify its policy aimed at lowering the nuclear threshold by accusing Russia of an alleged “aggressive strategy,” the Russian Foreign Ministry has said, commenting on the latest US Nuclear Posture Review. The US accusations against Moscow set out in the latest Nuclear Posture Review “have nothing do with reality,” the ministry said […]

Trump lambastes AG Sessions for ‘very unfair’ Russia probe recusal

President Donald Trump has expressed discontent with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and accused other prominent members of the Justice Department and the FBI of having conflicts of interest in a wide-ranging interview with the New York Times. Trump complained that Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigations was “very unfair to him [the […]

‘This is barbaric’: Bernie Sanders lambastes GOP healthcare bill

Screenshot/CNN Sen. Bernie Sanders called the Senate Republican healthcare bill, the details of which were released on Thursday, “barbaric” and promised to introduce Medicare-for-all legislation during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Sanders tweeted on Thursday that the bill, which would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare), is “the most harmful piece of legislation […]

Public defender lambastes judicial ruling to not fix flawed court software

Enlarge / The René C. Davidson Courthouse, at 1225 Fallon Street, in Oakland, hosts the Alameda County Superior Court. (credit: Wally Gobetz / Flickr) The public defender’s office in Alameda County, California, has recently appealed a local judge’s recent rejection of its demands to fix an upgraded court software. That software led to the unconstitutional […]