Weight loss diet plan: Eat this much apple cider vinegar and protein to boost metabolism

Many of us make losing weight our New Year resolution, but by the end of January this often gets swept under the carpet.  A diet plan doesn’t need to be difficult – eating the right foods can make a big difference.  Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink […]

Small study suggests ibuprofen alters testosterone metabolism

Enlarge (credit: Wikimedia Commons) A new study is hinting that a common over-the-counter painkiller, ibuprofen, may be linked to a male reproductive disorder. While the study uses a pretty small sample of male subjects, it’s backed up by a set of consistent experiments from isolated cells, and earlier studies had hinted there might be something […]

Weight loss: Why cooking with THIS oil could help boost metabolism and blast belly fat

Replacing some of the fat in a diet with coconut oil has been shown to aid those trying to lose weight. This is because coconut oil is high in fats called medium-chain triglycerides, which are metabolised differently compared to other fats. A study into the effect of coconut oil on belly fat found great news […]

You could lose weight and boost metabolism by changing when you eat – scientists explain

WEIGHT loss could be more technical than just eating less food, and calories are used more efficiently when consumed in the morning as opposed to the evening, scientists believe. Researchers hope a new study could help people improve their metabolic health. Daily Express :: Health Feed

You could lose weight and boost metabolism by changing when you eat – scientists explain

Previous studies have shown that evening eaters have a greater likelihood of putting on weight and are less able to lose it. However until now, studies in overweight and obese males and females, comparing the impact of breakfast versus evening meal have not yet been conducted in the UK. Scientists at the University of Aberdeen […]

How to boost your metabolism: Burn more calories with these simple tricks

GETTY Eating little and often can help keep you metabolism functioning effectively Or maybe you’ve hit your 40s and are now struggling to keep your waistline in check (when in the past you could eat what you wanted without gaining a pound).  Both are common problems and the natural response for many is to blame […]