The Feds Just Hit Notorious Swatter Tyler Barriss With 46 New Charges. He Intends to Plead Guilty

Prosecutors in California have filed 46 new counts against Tyler Barriss for bomb threats, fraud, and swatting incidents nationwide. He’s angling to get the case transferred to Kansas and intends to plead guilty.

Trump sees no competition & fully intends to run for president in 2020

Donald Trump has confirmed that he is planning to run for president in 2020, not only because “everybody wants him to,” but also because there doesn’t seem to be any viable competition in the liberal Democratic camp. “They do not have the right candidate,” Trump told Piers Morgan in an interview for the Mail on […]

Yulia Skripal’s cousin intends to travel to UK – embassy

The cousin of Yulia Skripal has expressed her desire to come to the UK, the Russian embassy in London said on Friday. Yulia and her father, ex-double agent Sergei Skripal were attacked with a nerve agent in Salisbury. After the information emerged that Yulia’s condition has improved and she can speak, her cousin Victoria expressed […]

Toyota Intends to Deploy Autonomous Rolling Stores by 2020

– Toyota may have gotten a late jump on investing in autonomous-driving technology and electric vehicles. But since it started a race to catch up with competitors in those areas, the Japanese automaker has spent a lot of time thinking about the convergence of the two. – Akio Toyoda, the company’s president, unveiled the latest […]

Trump intends to sign ‘final version’ of Russia sanctions bill – White House

Published time: 29 Jul, 2017 01:48 Edited time: 29 Jul, 2017 01:56 President Donald Trump will sign into law new sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea, according to the White House. READ MORE: Senate sends new Russia sanctions bill to Trump’s desk According to a statement late Friday, Trump “read early drafts of the […]

EPA intends to form “red team” to debate climate science

Enlarge / US EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. (credit: Gage Skidmore) US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and Energy Secretary Rick Perry have been making some headlines for publicly rejecting the conclusions of climate science. But in between wrongly claiming that climate scientists just don’t know how much of a contribution humans make to recent […]