Last Man Standing Star and EP Tease a Pregnancy, a Political Run and Kyle’s Holy Order — Watch Sneak Peek

RELATED STORIES Last Man Standing won’t shy away from hot-button issues in 2020. As it enters its eighth season (its second on Fox), the Tim Allen comedy will delve into politics and religion in ways that it has not done before — and in ways that have the potential to permanently alter dynamics within the […]

Three Identical Strangers review: Holy [expletive], can you believe [redacted]?

The trailer for Three Identical Strangers Filmmaker Tim Wardle released it in 2018, but the documentary Three Identical Strangers feels appropriately of its ’80s era. Yes, it has the outfits and the crappy cars, but the film’s first hour in particular has the kind of goofy buddy-movie feel that feels so cozy, you’d swear it was […]

Holy Grain: The Spiritual Beginnings of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

As new patients approached the sprawling grounds of Battle Creek Sanitarium, they saw men in short-sleeve shirts and women in floor-length dresses doing lunges and backbends. New arrivals soon noticed their tanner cheeks and shrunken waistlines — taking on a cultivated air of health, well-being and moral fortitude. They were there because their health had […]

Timeless Recap: How to Save a Life — Plus, Holy Jessica Twist!

Before we replay how the Time Team helped a young Agent Christopher during Sunday’s Timeless, can we talk about that episode-ending bombshell? After returning from the mission, Wyatt learns that Jessica’s sick brother survived in this timeline. Naturally, Wyatt is suspicious of how that’s possible — his wife says something about stem cells — and […]

Jesus Christ Superstar Makeup Boss Gives Us the Scoop on Those Holy (and Bill O'Reilly-Disapproved) Tattoos

Forty minutes into NBC’s broadcast of Jesus Christ Superstar Live on Sunday, former Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly tweeted his displeasure with the production’s choice to depict the Son of Man’s followers as a bunch of inked-up true believers. “My best friend texted me right after she saw it,” Superstar makeup designer Joe Dulude II — who […]

Geelong’s holy trinity hot early

Video Geelong’s holy trinity hot early0:36 AFL: Geelong unleashed its midfield holy trinity against Hawthorn on Easter Monday – and it took just seconds for superstar trio Joel Selwood, Gary Ablett and Patrick Dangerfield to combine. April 2nd 2018 2 minutes ago /display/ news and galleries/AFL/ AFL Basic errors ground Swans1:08 April 2nd 2018 9 […]

‘Holy shite, what am I seeing out here?’: 7 astronauts reveal what it really feels like to live in space

NASA   Seeing our planet from space is a rare treat: Fewer than 540 people have ever left the Earth.  Seven astronauts who’ve blasted off from our planet with NASA came together this week for the premiere of the National Geographic series One Strange Rock. The show, produced by Darren Aronofsky, takes an up-close look at how life […]

Holy Shit, ‘Black Panther’ Made So Much Money

We knew it would be big, but… Jesus. Black Panther, Creed director Ryan Coogler’s contribution to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, capitalized on deafening buzz, cultural relevance, and rave reviews to capture one of the largest opening weekends in movie history. According to Box Office Mojo, the picture delivered an estimated $ 201.7 million from Friday […]

iMac Pro review: Hard to upgrade, but holy Jony Ive it’s fast

Samuel Axon Some high-end professional Mac users are frustrated, and they have been for years. The current Mac Pro received a lukewarm reception when it began shipping in 2013, and it has been preserved in amber ever since. The MacBook Pro went with few substantial updates for a long period of time after 2012. And […]