Homeland: Carrie’s Hazy Memory Gets Grilled in First Teaser for Final Season

RELATED STORIES Carrie Mathison is (finally) back on the case as Homeland returns for its final season… and hey, where’s she been all this time? Well, she doesn’t exactly know, to be honest. We get our first look at Season 8 of the Showtime spy thriller (debuting Sunday, Feb. 9 at 9/8c) in a new […]

Farage grilled by BBC’s Jon Kay over ‘dangerous’ statement on ‘political’ Supreme Court

The Supreme Court president Lady Hale announced that the Court declared the suspension of Parliament under the Prime Minister as unlawful. As a result, Nigel Farage was interviewed on BBC Breakfast where he gave his opinion on the judgement and the Court to Kay. Farage began: “For right or wrong we now have a Supreme […]

Ajit Pai grilled by lawmakers on why FCC spread “myth” of DDoS attack

Enlarge / FCC Chairman Ajit Pai listens during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing in Washington, DC, on June 20, 2017. (credit: Getty Images | Bloomberg) Democratic members of Congress want to know when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai knew that the FCC’s claims about being hit by a DDoS attack were false. An FCC […]

Zuckerberg grilled by Congress… and he apologized a lot

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was back on Capitol Hill today for another round of questioning by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, following Tuesday’s marathon five-hour Senate hearing. During the hearing on Wednesday that went on for several hours, Zuckerberg was apologetic from the opening, in what has been described as the latest leg in […]

Watch ‘Game of Thrones’ star Maisie Williams try her best not to slip up when grilled about spoilers

ABC/Helen Sloan/HBO “Game of Thrones” star Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) knows how the final season ends. Jimmy Kimmel did his best to get the dish when she appeared on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”  Williams was very cagey and admitted she lives in fear of accidentally saying too much. She wouldn’t even say how many episodes […]

‘We’re always told to prove ourselves as Americans’: Muslim blogger grilled on US TV, tells RT

After an Iranian-American fashion blogger was grilled on live TV about her heritage, she fired back with a biting critique of the US. She told RT what her interview reveals about attitudes towards Muslims in the West. Hoda Katebi, 23, was originally asked to come onto Chicago’s WGN News live morning show to talk about […]

‘This is Netherlands, you have to answer questions’: New US ambassador grilled by Dutch journalists

A new US ambassador to the Netherlands has already landed in hot water at his first press conference when he refused to answer journalists’ questions. The event went south after the envoy was reminded of his earlier fiery remarks. His very first press conference as US ambassador to Amsterdam did not go well for Pete […]

Celebrity Big Brother: Stanley Johnson grilled over Rachel’s Boris comments ‘Et tu Brute?'

The 77-year-old appeared on Good Morning Britain  earlier today to discuss the impact Theresa May’s new plastic pledge will have on the country’s landscape.  However, talk turned to his very famous son, Boris, who is currently the secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs.  He ran for leader of the Conservative Party in 2016, […]

It’s a trap! Guardian’s Luke Harding goes on Russia collusion book promo, grilled for actual facts

When you go promoting your latest book about evil Russia forcing Trump on America, it might be wise to check who is lining you up for interviews. Otherwise, you could be asked uncomfortable questions about things like evidence. This is what the Guardian’s former Moscow correspondent, Luke Harding, might tell fellow authors after a rather […]