Mark Hamill Fundamentally Disagreed With Rian Johnson’s Vision For Luke Skywalker

Yesterday’s Vanity Fair’s cover story gave us all kinds of insight into Lucasfilm’s upcoming sequel, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but they aren’t done dropping new snippets of information about the movie, and we just read something that’s worth discussing in a little more detail. Mark Hamill, who plays one of the most iconic characters in film history, says he “fundamentally […]

Uber says its self-driving technology is “fundamentally different” from Waymo's

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Uber Technologies Inc said on Friday its self-driving sensor technology was “fundamentally different” from Waymo’s, blasting the Alphabet Inc unit’s claim that it profited from stolen files in the race to roll out the first driverless car. Uber said in a federal court filing that 14,000 of Waymo’s computer files on […]

‘FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPETENT’: Democratic lawmakers hold late-night session to oppose Trump education nominee Betsy DeVos

AP Photo/Alex Brandon Lawmakers held the floor of the US Senate late Monday night in an eleventh-hour effort to tank the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nominee for education secretary, Betsy DeVos. Democratic senators railed against DeVos on the Senate floor and on social media, calling her unfit to oversee the nation’s education system. Sen. […]