Fringe’s Jasika Nicole: Running Joke About Astrid’s Name Was ‘Tasteless’ — John Noble Apologizes for Role In It

RELATED STORIES Seven-and-a-half years after Fringe‘s end, Jasika Nicole has shared that as “a black woman with a name that white people seem to find incredibly difficult to pronounce,” she found the running joke about Astrid’s name to be “pretty tasteless.” As fans of the acclaimed Fox sci-fi series know, John Noble’s Dr. Walter Bishop […]

Edinburgh Fringe: Ten things you never knew about fringes

1. The word “fringe” originally meant an ornamental border made of silk or cotton threads. 2. One of the earliest uses in English was around 1400 in the medieval romance Sir Gawain And The Green Knight which referred to “a saddle that gleamed full gaily with many gold fringes”. 3. The Book of Numbers in […]

Experts previously on the fringes of the national-security community are now helping craft policy in the White House

Alex Wong/Getty Images On a panel titled “When did World War III Begin?” at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, former Army special-forces commander Mike Waltz was talking about the long road ahead in the fight against terrorism. “We’re in for a long haul, and I think our nation’s leadership needs to begin telling […]