John Grisham Skewers the For-Profit Law-School Industry

John Grisham’s most recent novel, The Rooster Bar, turns the the staid world of for-profit law schools into a gripping thriller. For-profit law schools first became an interest of Grisham’s when he stumbled across the issue in a 2014 article in The Atlantic by Paul Campos, “The Law-School Scam.” Campos’s article explained how for-profit law […]

Betsy DeVos is rolling back 2 rules aimed at for-profit colleges

Thomson Reuters WASHINGTON (AP) — The Education Department announced Wednesday that it will change two key Obama-era rules governing student loan forgiveness in cases involving fraud and misconduct by universities. The department said it will convene special committees to rewrite Borrower Defense to Repayment and Gainful Employment regulations. The rules were introduced last year as […]

Purdue University acquired a for-profit college for $1 — and faculty members are up in arms over the deal

AP Photo/Michael Conroy Purdue University acquired for-profit Kaplan University for $ 1 last week, setting off a wave of debate over the deal. The agreement allows Purdue to increase its reach into online and adult learning, while potentially paying Kaplan’s parent company — an affiliate of Graham Holdings Company — 12.5% percent of the new university’s revenue. While some […]

Another person has died on a for-profit prison transport

Emmanuel Ocbazghi More than 20 prisoners were shackled and packed tightly on a privately operated bus as it zigzagged from Wisconsin to Georgia earlier this month. The men and women were being extradited to faraway jurisdictions where they had open arrest warrants or pending criminal cases, and some had been traveling for more than 10 […]