Flight attendant reveals secret about passengers who order fizzy drinks on a plane

Flight attendants, over the years, have revealed many of the untold secrets of the job. From the dirtiest places to the worst passengers, many frequent fliers would be shocked to hear some of the stories. A recent story has emerged about passengers who order fizzy drinks on a plane, in particular Diet Coke. Cabin crew […]

Avoid sugar for a longer life: Fizzy drinks and sweets 'have major role in disease'

Evidence is growing that calorie-packed sweeteners – such as high fructose syrups found in fizzy drinks, biscuits and cakes – have major roles in disease.Public health campaigns are now recommending strict limits to the consumption of these “free sugars.” Part of the problem is that guidelines target sugar only for its calories rather than as […]

Dementia WARNING: A daily diet fizzy drink could increase Alzheimer’s risk by THREE times

DEMENTIA and stroke risk could be increased by drinking diet soft drinks daily, researchers have claimed. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increased almost three times compared to those that don’t drink diet fizzy drinks. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Obesity risk SLASHED 'by swapping just ONE fizzy drink or beer a day for water'

GETTY Drinking a glass of water a day instead of beer can reduce obesity risk by 20 per cent But a new study has laid bare their destructive impact by becoming the first to chart its effect on the body. Spanish researchers followed 15,765 healthy university graduates by monitoring their consumption of a host of […]