South Korea’s military considering pulling troops away from DMZ border ‘on a trial basis’ amid eased tensions with North Korea

AFP South Korea is reportedly considering withdrawing some military forces and equipment from guard posts on the border with North Korea on a “trial basis.” It’s part of the South Korean defense ministry’s plan to transform the [Demilitarized Zone] into a “peace zone.” The ministry said it would also plan on designating a de facto […]

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms eased using THIS unique diet plan

Jessie-May Gattiker, 23, was 19 when she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She developed searing hot pain in her legs, arms, hands and neck, which would come and go sporadically. Over the course of 10 months, the pain was “ripping through her hands, legs and arms like a fire on a daily basis”, she said. […]

Apple eased the pressure for the iPhone X to be a smash hit, thanks to this business comeback (AAPL)

A lot of Apple investors are betting the new iPhone X will trigger a massive consumer buying spree and boost the company’s revenues. But even before the iPhone X hit store shelves on Friday, Apple’s smartphone business was on the upswing. As we can see in this chart from Statista, shipments of Apple’s iPhones increased in the company’s recently ended 2017 […]

Arthritis symptoms could be eased with THIS therapy: New hope for sufferers

According to Arthritis Research UK, over eight million people in the UK suffer from osteoarthritis – a condition perceived as only a disorder that affects the elderly. A new walking programme for adults with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions, made popular in the US, is to be trialled in the UK for the first time. Walk […]