Saudi human rights commission interviews detainees, including women’s rights activists, over alleged torture, report says

REUTERS/Susan Baaghil Saudi Arabia’s human rights commission is investigating the alleged torture of women’s rights activists including accusations of electrocution and waterboarding, the Wall Street Journal reported. Citing government officials and other people familiar with the activists’ situation, the US publication said Saud al-Qahtani, a close adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), had overseen “some aspects of the torture”, […]

US Military to seize, burn Guantánamo Bay detainees’ art (PHOTOS)

Published time: 18 Nov, 2017 13:28 The US Military has decided to seize artwork produced by detainees at Guantánamo Bay Navy Base and will no longer release prisoner artwork to the public. The detainees’ attorneys have said that the ultimate plan is to destroy it. A practice has been in place for years whereby detainees […]

ICE takes aim at MS-13, pressures local police to ‘hang on’ to criminal detainees

Published time: 28 Jul, 2017 04:20 US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has announced a crackdown on MS-13, but its strategy may run counter to the city policy in Los Angeles, an important hub of the infamous gang. ICE is calling on local law enforcement to help out. A White House statement Thursday said the Department […]

Former immigrant detainees are suing a detention center over paying them $1 a day for labor

Associated Press/David Zalubowski DENVER (AP) — Every day, immigrants are told to clean their living areas in a privately run Colorado detention center or risk being put in solitary confinement. Some also volunteer to do jobs as varied as landscaping, more cleaning and cutting other inmates’ hair, but the pay is always the same — […]

Prison guard admits asking youth detainees to perform oral sex (VIDEO)

Published time: 20 Mar, 2017 22:12 A former prison guard at a youth detention center in the Northern Territory, Australia, posted a video of himself to Snapchat daring a child detainee to eat feces and asking other inmates to perform oral sex on him. A former youth justice officer at the Don Dale Youth Detention […]