Sonic Mania PC version launches with Denuvo, online requirement

Enlarge / Maybe Sonic and his friends are looking at an incoming, Denuvo-related crapstorm headed their way. (credit: Sega) I had high hopes of returning to Sonic Mania and slapping an Ars Approved sticker on my early-August review once its PC version launched. I figured, by then, the console editions would have received patches to a few […]

Rime allegedly runs faster with Denuvo DRM stripped out

Enlarge / Was Denuvo’s DRM slowing down this darling fox? Whatever your thoughts on the use of digital rights management to protect games against piracy, you probably don’t want any DRM solution to actually have a negative impact on the performance of the game or your computer (SecuROM, anyone?). Now, though, crackers are alleging that […]

Denuvo: Our cracked RE7 protection is still better than nothing [Updated]

Enlarge / This sweaty, fearful Resident Evil 7 character probably provides a good representation of Denuvo’s worries about being cracked more efficiently. After the Denuvo DRM protection for Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 was recently cracked less than a week after the game’s release, what used to be considered practically “uncrackable” copy protection is looking quite […]

Denuvo forgets to secure server, leaks years of messages from game makers

Enlarge The developers at Denuvo have been in the news thanks to cracks against their notoriously tough digital rights management (DRM) tools, which are normally used to lock down video games from leaking online. On Sunday, the company faced a different kind of crack—not against a high-profile video game, however, but of its depository of private web-form […]