Mikhail Gorbachev — who survived a coup attempt as leader of the USSR — questioned the ‘future fate’ of the US after the January 6 Capitol riot

Former head of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev attends the Victory Day military parade at Red Square in Moscow on May 9, 2017. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images Mikhail Gorbachev saw the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot as a dark omen for the US. The events "called into question the future fate of the United […]

‘Peaceful return of democracy?’ US doesn’t deny meeting Venezuelan military coup plotters

Washington still “prefers” a peaceful restoration of “democracy” in Venezuela, the White House has stated in response to a scandalous report about US officials’ contacts with Venezuelan military officers seeking to stage a coup. The US President Donald Trump’s administration has been holding meetings with a group of Venezuelan officers plotting to overthrow the Latin […]

Jets' surprise deal for Stastny a coup for GM Cheveldayoff

The top six teams heading into the final six weeks of the NHL season played an impressive game of Keeping Up with the Joneses in the days, hours and minutes leading up to the trade deadline. After the Boston Bruins (Rick Nash, Brian Gionta) and Toronto Maple Leafs (Tomas Plekanec) beefed up over the weekend, […]

Fox News under fire for reporter’s claims of White House ‘coup’ (VIDEO)

Never one to shy away from controversy, Fox News may have crossed the line between biased news coverage and self-satire – intentionally or otherwise – as host Jesse Watters alleged a coup may be underway in the US on Sunday. The highly inflammatory comments were made during the course of a discussion on special counselor […]

Honduras election turmoil: 'People are in the streets like they were after US-backed coup in 2009'

The US-educated Honduran president, Juan Hernandez, who supported a Washington-backed coup eight years ago, has been leading his country to bloodshed by cracking down on protests against the election fraud he allegedly staged, experts say. Hernandez, who has been Honduras’ president since 2014, was one of the lawmakers in 2009 to support the ouster of […]

In a puzzling national address, 93-year-old Robert Mugabe doesn’t stand down as Zimbabwe’s president after dramatic military coup

Thomson Reuters Robert Mugabe agreed on Sunday to resign as Zimbabwe’s president, sources told Reuters and The Wall Street Journal. The decision came after a de facto, dramatic military coup last week. Mugabe, the only leader the southern African nation has known since independence from Britain in 1980, was replaced by Emmerson Mnangagwa, the deputy […]

Zimbabwe coup latest travel news update – Britons warned to 'stay INSIDE'

A Zimbabwe coup has removed President Robert Mugabe, 93, from power It is stated that he and his wife, Grace, are safe and under house arrest Zanu PF party are now in power and have taken over the national broadcaster, ZBC The country’s army have swarmed the capital Harare as soldiers block roads and government buildings. […]

‘Against social coup’: French take to streets in defiance of newly-signed labor reform (WATСH LIVE)

Published time: 23 Sep, 2017 13:07 Edited time: 23 Sep, 2017 13:17 Demonstrators have gathered in the streets of the French capital to protest changes to the labor code pushed through by President Macron. The far-left Jean-Luc Melenchon, Macron’s staunch critic, called a rally against a “social coup d’etat.” “We won’t let them empty the […]

Lions coup as Hipwood re-signs

Video Image Round 23 ins and outs0:51 AFL: Round 23 ins and outs August 25th 2017 10 hours ago /display/newscorpaustralia.com/Web/NewsNetwork/Sport news and galleries/AFL/ Eric Hipwood is one of the AFL’s most exciting young talents. ANDREW HAMILTONThe Courier-Mail Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Email a friend ERIC Hipwood […]